Minggu, 27 September 2009

The History of Bangka Belitung

The History of Bangka Belitung PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator
Monday, 24 September 2007
Bangka Belitung was the area of the island, consisted of the Bangka Island, Belitung as well as several other small islands. The condition for the topography of this island consisted of the swamp, the low mainland and hills. In the swamp, alot of the mangrove forest, while the hilly region was filled the luxuriant forest. In the area of the coast, was gotten the coast that the gradient sand white by being decorated the carpet of the granite stone.

This island was located at the east of Sumatra.At the west of the island, was gotten the Bangka Strait that separated Bangka from the Sumatran mainland; on the east, was gotten the Karimata Strait; on the south, was unfolded Javanese Sea; now on the north, was spread our the Natuna Sea area that was directly in contact with the South China Sea. Between the Bangka island and Belitung was separated by the Gaspar Strait.

The Bangka island and Belitung were part of the Sumatran waters territory, that had become the centre of the trade traffic in the world since long ago the time. Unity of this Sumatran waters territory covered the Malacca Strait region and the South China Sea, especially yag was restricted by the east Sumatran coast and the West Kalimantan coast. In unity of these waters, was gotten Bangka Belitung, but also the Riau-Lingga Island. Since long ago, these waters functioned as the connector between the utopia (sub the Indian continent, Persia and Arabian) and the country under the wind (the Indonesian Archipelago) and East Asia (China).

The history said that, this island has for a long time been occupied by the inhabitants. In the 7th age M., was estimated Hindu culture developed and his inhabitants embraced the Hindu religion. Regarding the kingdom, was not yet gotten by the history data that tell about about grew and the certain royal expansion in this area. The history only said that, kepulaun this was controlled in turns by various kingdoms in the Indonesian Archipelago but also the gang of the pirate. According to the history, the kingdom that had controlled Bangka Belitung was Sriwijaya, Majapahit, Malacca, Johor, Mataram, Banten and the Palembang Sultanate. Moreover, Bangka Belitung also once under by Dutch colonisers and England.

It was connected that Bangka relations with Sriwijaya, the archaeological data that at first emerged was the Kapur City inscription that was found by JK van der Meulen near the Mendo River, Dusun Kota Kapur, Desa Pernagan, Kecamatan Mendo Barat, Kabupaten Bangka, in December 1892 M. Prasasti on the stump of the stone contained the curse for them who did not obey King Sriwijaya. This showed clearly that, Bangka Belitung was in the authority of this maritime kingdom.

Several centuries kemudan, was told also that, Johor Sultan and his ally, King Alam Harimau Garang had attacked Bangka to eradicate the pirate. At the time of that simultaneously, Johor also used the opportunity to spread the Islam religion. The pirate berhasi was eradicated and the Islam religion also succeeded in being propagated. However, this did not take place old. Together with the weakening of the Johor authority, then the pirate again nested in this island.

The existence of the pirate in Bangka was very annoying the activity of the trade in these waters. Many of the merchant's ships that were robbed and seized by the pirates. Therefore, was told, how Sultan Banten had also sent his troops to Bangka to eradicate the pirate. At that point, the Banten expedition was led by Indonesian Archipelago Regent. He succeeded in being in charge of Bangka and governing in this island with the degree of the Crown Prince. After Indonesian Archipelago Regent died, the authority was bequeathed to his single daughter.

At that point, the daughter married Palembang Sultan, Abdurrahman (1659-1707 M.). Because of the existence of these marriage relations, afterwards Bangka was united with the Palembang Sultanate and to part of this sultanate. When Sultan Abdurrahman died, The son of him, Queen Muhammad Mansyur (1707-1715 M.) keep the power. At the time, Bangka Belitung still continue to was under the Palembang authority.

Queen Muhammad Mansyur had the son had a name Mahmud Badaruddin. When the Queen died, his son, mahmud Badarudin did not succeed in changing him, because, the brother Queen Muhammad (or the Mahmud Badarudin uncle) evidently had ambitions to become the sultan and to seize him from the Mahmud Badarudin hands, his nephew personally. It was that Mahmud Badarudin afterwards took refuge in Johor and Siantan to ask for Johor help. During 1724 M., with help of the Johor war generation, Mahmud succeeded in seizing again the throne of the Palembang Sultanate from his uncle.

When Mahmud Badarudin had the power in Palembang, his upper Bangka authority hand over to Wan Akup. At that time, Wan Akup moved to Bangka with his two brothers: Wan Abdul Jabbar and Wan Serin.

Stiffly Belitung and European Colonisers.
Around 1709 M., was found tin in the Bangka island. Initially, the mining of tin was carried out by Johor people in the Olin River, Toboali. Further, during 1710 M., Bangka has become the source of tin that was famous all through the world. The traders and the tin miner many that arrived to Bangka. Moreover was reported, Palembang Sultan who still was having the upper territorial claim Bangka Belitung sent the envoy to China looked for the expert in the mining that really was needed.

During 1717 M., began to be held by trade communications with VOC for the sale of tin.
At that very moment, Palembang Sultan asked VOC help to eradicate the pirate and to prevent the smuggling of tin.

As the following follow-up, the colonial Dutch government sent the trade mission to Palembang, was led by Van Haak. One of the aims of the sending of this trade mission was to consider results of tin and pepper in Bangka. Around 1722 M., VOC entered into the agreement that was binding with Palembang Sultan, Ratu Anum Kamaruddin to monopolise the trade in tin. According to Van Haak, the contents of the agreement was:

Palembang Sultan might only sell tin in kompeni (VOC) Kompeni might buy tin in accordance with the number that was needed by them.

Resulting from the agreement that only benefitted the Netherlands this, many that smuggled results of his tin to the other country, in order to get the higher profit. Towards to exploit Bangka Be more far, the Dutch government sent the mission again during 1803 M., was led by V.D. Bogarts and Captain Lombart.

In his development, the change in the ruler happened in Bangka Belitung, from the Netherlands to England. This change was preceeded with the signing of the Tuntang Agreement on September 18 1811 M. From this agreement, the Netherlands must hand over In overcame him to the English side,
covered Java, Timor, Makasar, Palembang and the overcame other area.

As the agreement follow-up, the English Governor-general, Raffles sent the envoy to Palembang to
take over Loji Netherlands in the Aur River and the tin mine in the Bangka island and Belitung. However, English efforts to take over Palembang and Bangka Belitung was opposed by Palembang Sultan, Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II.

On March 20 1812 M., Raffles again sent the expedition to Palembang, was led by Mayor Jendral Roobert Rollo Gillespie. However, the Gillespie arrival was refused by Palembang Sultan. After twice experienced the failure, England began to carry out politics divide and impera, by means of appointing Prince Adipati as Palembang Sultan during 1812 M., had the title of Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin II. Sebagai the repayment for this appointment, Bangka Belitung was afterwards handed over to England. In the trip came home from Palembang to Batavia, Gillespie through was unable to go any further (Bangka). At that very moment (on May 20 1812 M.), he declared Bangka Belitung became the area of the English colony by the name of the Duke of Island.

Bangka Belitung only two years was under the English authority. In August 13 1814 M., the Netherlands and England signed the London Agreement. Was based on this agreement, England must hand again over the territory in the Indonesian Archipelago to the Netherlands, including Bangka Belitung. The handover Bangka Belitung from England to the Netherlands took place in was unable
to go any further on December 10 1816 M. Netherlands was represented by K. Heynes, while England was represented by M.H. Court.

During was under the authority of two colonial countries the class of one world, fate Bangka Belitung very worrying. Tin was dug up on a large scale without considering the indigenous population's fate and the environment. Dishonesty, extortion and the exploitation that exceeded the limit caused hatred in the heart of the inhabitants of indigenous people, so as to emerge the opposition to the Netherlands. For years, under the command of Depati Merawang, Depati Amir, Depati Bahrin and Tikal, the people Bangka Belitung took up arms to expel the Netherlands from his area. However, the people's opposition Bangka Belitung evidently could not overcome the Netherlands, until the Netherlands stayed residing and controlled this island.

When World War II happening, Bangka Belitung was in charge of by Japanese troops, was counted since 1942 as far as 1945. during 1949, this island became part of the Republic of Indonesia.

So, Bangka Belitung was controlled by various big kingdoms, beginning with Sriwijaya, Majapahit, Malacca, Johor, Banten, Kesultanan Palembang, England, the Netherlands, Japan, and finally became part of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Family
from the history note, in Bangka Belitung was not met one independent kingdom, therefore, rather complicated to explain the family tree of his rulers. The rulers who had had the power only delegation from the kingdom of the mother, like Sriwijaya, Majapahit, Johor, Banten et cetera.

The period of the Government
The available history data, was not yet gotten by information that was clear about the government of a dynasty or the descendants of the certain person in Bangka Belitung. The available government only delegation from the kingdom of the mother who came in turns, to depend on the Authority of kingdom.

The Territory of Power
Bangka Belitung was the area that was controlled, not controlled. Therefore, explained the authority territory Bangka Belitung not more than explained the geographical limit this island, that is: the Bangka Strait on the west; the Karimata Strait on the east; Javanese Sea on the south; and the South China Sea (the Natuna Sea) on the north.

The structure of the Authority
Structure was controlled by the big kingdom, Bangka Belitung was led by delegation of these kingdoms. For example, when Bangka Belitung was in charge of by Banten, that controlled was Indonesian Archipelago Regent, the envoy Sultan Banten; when being controlled by Palembang, that had the power to be Wan Akup and his descendants. How the structure of the government here? It was not yet met by information that explained about all that.

The Social life of the Culture

Of The generally, could be explained that the local community lived from the sector of agriculture. In the period previously, they many that buried spices. The most famous commodity was pepper. There was a typical Bangka agricultural implement that often was used to clean grass in the pepper garden, his name kedik. This implement is usually used by women, because of his form that was minor and small.

When tin was found, the local community many that were professional as the tin excavator. This island had also become the centre of the pirate in east Sumatran waters. However, there was no explanation, from where from these pirates.

People's house Bangka Belitung usually has the shape of the stage, especially them who settled in the plain, like the coast and the swamp. Regarding the weapon, they had the weapon that have the shape of like the ship screen, heavy and wide. Therefore, this weapon could be also used to cut off wood or cut down the tree.

Moreover all, the Bangka community also had the special musical kind that was mentioned gambus.
From his name, appeared clear that this music developed after the local community received the influence of Islam culture. Regarding the language, the local community used the Malay language the typical Bangka dialect.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 05 December 2007 )

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